Monday, May 23, 2011

Camping the Make-Ahead Way

This weekend, our family will go camping to celebrate Memorial Day weekend. We go camping every year, but this year is our first year camping with a baby. So, we went to Costco and got a new tent (yep, that big one!), and we're researching how on earth to survive camping with a baby!  One thing I definitely don't need to worry about while we're camping with a nine-month-old is what to eat.  In years past, inevitably, we end up packing at least four times as much as food as we need, and all of it is typical unhealthy camping fare - burgers, top ramen, and hot dogs.  But this year will be different, because with Baby, I've vowed to make our camping trip not only healthier, but also much more organized.

So, what's the solution?  Why, it will be "make-ahead camping," of course!

In honor of the event, we'll be posting some great make-ahead meals that are perfect for that camping stove or portable grill over the next few weeks.  We've also updated our article labels to feature camping-friendly recipes, including:

Breakfast Burritos
Chipotle Shrimp and Sausage Jumbalaya
Sweet and Sour Pork with Coconut Rice
Lemon Pepper Cod
Grandma Peterson's Flank Steak Marinade
Make-Ahead Slow Cooker Chili

We'll continue adding to the list over the next few weeks, and you can find all of our camping suggestions here.

Cooking during camping is always so stressful - chopping veggies with our tired, dull camping knives; washing cutting boards and mixing bowls - so this year, we're doing without all of that.  We have make-ahead meals ready to go for the entire weekend!

And hopefully, just maybe, we'll be able to survive our first camping trip with the baby...

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