Our Reviews

Here at Eastside Make-Ahead Mamas, we want to do as much as possible to help your make-ahead projects go simply, smoothly, and efficiently.  As part of this effort, we'll occasionally post tips, tricks, and product reviews related to make-ahead meals, and supporting a happy, healthy family life in general.  We know that you count on us, and so it's important that you understand exactly how we choose what products to review, and why we say what we do about them.

First and foremost, you will never receive anything less than our completely honest opinion.  No matter how a product review comes about, we guarantee that each and every review contains nothing less - and nothing more - than the truth and nothing but the truth.  We will never recommend a product that we don't have complete confidence in, and that we haven't had personal, positive experience with.

We have never been paid, given free product, or otherwise compensated to review any product.  Each and every one of our product reviews is the result of our real-life experiences.  All of the products we have reviewed are items we've purchased, or the products were holiday, birthday, or other gifts from close friends and family members.  Even when our product reviews fall into the latter category, you'll always know that the product was a personal gift because we'll mention it in our reviews.  Furthermore, you can rest assured that if this does ever change for any reason, you'll be the first to know!

You can count on our recommendations.  Have you ever noticed the bar with links to Amazon.com products on the right-hand side of our blog?  It's the one entitled, "Products We've Reviewed - And Loved!"  In the interests of full disclosure, we're not at all hesitant to admit that, if our readers click on one of those links and purchase the product, we get a very small percentage (4%) of the purchase price.  We're also not at all hesitant to assure you that we will never place any products in that bar that we haven't actually used, reviewed, and loved!  Those are our top picks, based on personal experience in our own kitchens and with our own families.

What happens to any money made on the site?  Our blog isn't here to make money - it's a community for sharing make-ahead recipes, favorites, tricks, and ideas to make our busy parenting lives better in general.  As a result, our blog doesn't make much money at all (and in fact, as of this writing, it hasn't ever made a penny!).  If we do ever end up with more than a few dollars as a result of the blog, it will help us to pay for commercial kitchen rentals and childcare assistance so that we can include more mamas in our make-ahead meetups!

If you ever have any questions about the product reviews, advertising, or anything else on our blog, please don't hesitate to contact us.