Monday, June 27, 2011

Five A Day the Make-Ahead Way

Today, I'm excited to be a guest author over at Five A Day the Fun Way!  Head on over and you'll find our article about how to work in at least five servings of fruits and veggies each day using make-ahead recipes and techniques.

If you’re reading this blog, there’s no doubt you already know, and are interested in, the benefits of ensuring that you and your family get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day.   But let’s face it: while the theory is sound, the concept often fails in the execution stages. If you’re like me, you’ve discovered that providing fresh fruit and veggies for your family often means going to the grocery store more than once each week, planning and organizing meals and snacks ahead of time (and before the grocery store trip!), and then taking time to prepare all of those fresh foods can be a challenge. Here are just a few ways that you can use make-ahead cooking techniques to work more fruits and veggies into you and your family’s everyday meals.

Read the whole article at Five A Day the Fun Way -->

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